My Journey – Part 3

My Journey – Part 3

They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. If that’s the case I was insane! It wasn’t until I was diagnosed with breast cancer at 48 that I stopped and considered my insanity. I was extremely fortunate to...
My Journey – Part 2

My Journey – Part 2

Newly married and determined to leave bulimia behind, I embraced the current dieting trend at the time which was low fat/high carbohydrate. This enabled me to satisfy my love of eating and not gain weight – but I was hungry all the time! We began a family immediately....
My Journey – Part 1

My Journey – Part 1

We had plenty of food growing up in our house! My Father was a milkman and then he owned a small supermarket. However, I did not grow up watching healthy eating habits. Sadly, my Mum struggled emotionally and food was the way she anaesthetized her pain. She has...