I know you want to tell me that red wine is healthy. But who has funded that study, and for every study you can find, I have 100 that say otherwise. Eat a handful of red grapes and you’ll get all the resveratrol you need! Sadly there are ZERO redeeming features of...
I know I bang on and on about alcohol, but for good reason. If you’ve had cancer, before you make any other diet and lifestyle modification – address the alcohol. . Yes it’s that big a deal. . Not just because of the: Worthless calories Slowed...
Alcohol is one of the biggest stumbling blocks I see so many women struggle with, not just cancer survivors. . I totally get it! You can read about my journey at the end of this blog. . We all know the obvious side effects of alcohol: • It contains calories and they...
What immediately comes to mind when I say “Dietitian”? . Deprivation diets? Weight loss? Healthy food pyramid? . Sometimes I don’t want to tell people I’m a Dietitian. Not because they quickly excuse what they are eating or hide the contents...
When do you decide enough is enough? When that one glass of wine continually turns into two? Or is it when that weekend chocolate treat becomes a daily affair and you realise that it’s time to reign it in? . The twist is that when you’ve had cancer, you...
After life returns to some kind of normalcy, you will no doubt find yourself back in the kitchen. Even if your pre-cancer diet was ‘healthy’, or so you thought, you are now keener than ever to eat well. . You’ve researched a lot since your...