Have you ever thought about the damage that processed foods have on your health?
Study after study shows that every time a population adopts a Western diet, within a few years they start to develop Western diseases.
If we only had to eat for energy, we could live on McDonalds and be healthy – but go and watch Super Size Me,  where Morgan Spurlock “goes on a diet of McDonald’s three times a day for thirty days straight in order to examine the effects of fast food consumption on the body and mind. The effects of the trial are harrowing: His body mass increases by 13%, his cholesterol levels skyrocket, fat accumulates in his liver, and he experiences mood swings and loss of libido.”
You can watch the documentary here.
When processed foods first hit the market, we were excited by these time-saving products. We could make a cake in half the time with a packet cake mix. We just had to add hot water and presto we had mashed potato! 
But there was a cost… and we now know that the cost is our health.
Those packaged foods aren’t just lacking in nutrients, they are STEALING our existing nutrients and our health is worse off than before we ate that instant chocolate pudding!
I hear so many of my clients say ‘But I thought that was healthy’ and they’re never referring to whole foods! It’s usually a processed food with a compelling label extolling it’s health benefits.
As cancer survivors, we want those vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients that provide our body with the fuel, not just for energy but to keep our immune system humming.
So how do we sift through the quagmire? And what can we use to guide our purchases?
Simply eat whole foods as often as possible:
  • fruit
  • vegetables
  • legumes (beans & lentils)
  • whole grains (oats, brown rice, quinoa etc)
  • healthy whole food fats (avocados, olives, nuts & seeds)
Whole foods contain fibre AND specific cancer-fighting compounds that are decidedly lacking in processed foods.
Start by eating good old fashioned rolled oats for breakfast instead of ‘oat clusters’ cereal in a packet. You can check out my Youtube clip here for an optimal cancer-kicking brekky using oats.
In addition to all the recipes you will find in my previous blogs (10 vegetables with recipes and instructional videos), you can get started with these recipes below.
  • Hommus is always a great snack with vegetable sticks and freezes well.
  • Red lentil dahl is my go to quick and easy emergency meal – just about any vegetable work well to add to this meal.
  • And how easy are the banana oat cookies!


If you would like some help getting started with a menu plan, I offer a 60 minute Empowered Eating Plan session so you can easily include more cancer-kicking foods into every meal.
The Empowered Eating Plan includes:
  • A comprehensive dietary analysis to discover exactly where you need the most help
  • Finding meals that suit your nutritional needs
  • Creating a menu plan for your unique lifestyle
  • Plus you will receive a Nutritional e-book + 40 recipes.

Empowered Eating Plan

You're ready to take the first step and create a menu-plan that adds more plant-based cancer-kicking foods to your diet.

Click the link below and let's get you started!