
You don’t get very far into a plant-based journey when you realise that potatoes are back on the menu!

Thanks to popular dieting trends we have developed a fear of some vegetables, especially the ones that have a high carbohydrate content, like potatoes.

I do NOT believe we need to restrict ANY vegetables, on a plant-based diet.

However, from a nutritional perspective, you benefit from eating a wide variety of vegetables.

I’ve listed 3 main groups below, and if you eat one or two vegetables from each group every day, you’ll be ticking health boxes.

1. Cruciferous vegetables

 The cruciferous vegetables include broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussel sprouts, and kale.

The research shows that eating cruciferous vegetables is associated with a reduction in cancer and helps prevent ALL lifestyle diseases.

They are low in calories and high in folate and a host of other vitamins & minerals.

Plus they are jammed with fiber that helps keep you regular and feed your good gut bacteria.


Eat at least one cruciferous vegetable every day for optimal health.

Here are some simple recipes using cruciferous vegetables to get you started with a cooking video for each.

Easy ways to use cauliflower.

Easy ways to use broccoli.

2. The Leafy Greens

The key to reducing cardiovascular disease which kills more people than any other lifestyle disease is to eat leafy greens.

Leafy greens also help you to stay young because they help your body make Nitric Oxide.

Nitric Oxide helps:
• Keeps vessels elastic

• Keep vessels from going thick & stiff

• Prevents the build-up of plaques

As we age our cells produce less Nitric Oxide but we can increase production by eating less animal protein and eating more greens.

The top Nitric Oxide producing foods are beetroot, garlic & leafy greens.

Leafy greens help prevent heart disease AND keeps your skin looking young!

Here are some simple recipes using leafy greens to get you started with a cooking video for each.

Easy spinach recipes

Easy kale recipes

3. The Comforting Carbs

Who doesn’t love roasted sweet potato or corn on the cob? The carby vegetables contribute to our nutrition but also add a depth and satiety to our diet.

When cooked and then cooled, starchy vegetables take on an immune-boosting property, when they become resistant starch.

Resistant starch is a type of fiber that resists being absorbed in the small intestine, and makes it’s way down to the large intestine, where it feeds the good gut bacteria. So it helps boost your immunity!

Don’t be afraid of eating some comforting carbs every day!

Here are some simple recipes using the most popular comforting carbs.

Easy sweet potato recipes

Easy pumpkin recipes

PLUS Mushrooms

Mushrooms are a superfood on their own!

Not technically a vegetable they are definitely worth eating a few times a week.

Mushrooms have cancer-fighting properties, reduce heart disease, boost the immune system, plus are packed with vitamins, minerals and fiber.

Just make sure you cook them as this totally removes the tiny traces of toxins found in raw mushrooms.

Eat mushrooms every week for an extra immune boost!

Hope this helps you include more vegetables on your plant-based journey.

I’d love to know if you try some of the recipes and if you enjoyed them.

My all time favourite is the Broccoli Taboulismile

I believe this is why so many diets fail.

We commit to a 6 week challenge - pay for a coach or announce it to the world and off we go!

But then the coaching ends OR the 6 weeks are up!

When I work with clients at some point they’ll say...I almost ate XXX on the weekend, but I knew I had to tell you so I resisted.

I am acutely aware that I will not be in my clients' lives forever.

So I never pass quickly over these revelations because I want to make sure they have the tools to deal with these situations when I’m not around.

I believe this is why so many diets fail.

We commit to a 6 week challenge - pay for a coach or announce it to the world and off we go!

But then the coaching ends OR the 6 weeks are up!

When I work with clients at some point they’ll say...I almost ate XXX on the weekend, but I knew I had to tell you so I resisted.

I am acutely aware that I will not be in my clients' lives forever.

So I never pass quickly over these revelations because I want to make sure they have the tools to deal with these situations when I’m not around.