For over two years I struggled with anxiety and irrational fears. I sought freedom from anxiety attacks and exhaustion. After spending a lot of time working thru the issues in my mind I began to see that I also needed to allow my physical body to heal and come into alignment. Just in the ‘Nic’ of time I spent two life changing weeks with Naturally Nic where she helped me overcome a lot of fear I had surrounding food ‘restrictions’.
Nicole helped me to see that a healthy lifestyle wasn’t about saying ‘no, no, no’, rather, about saying ‘yes’ to something better! In just two short weeks I was on to a greater journey of freedom! The first notable physical difference from changing my eating patterns was that my constant overwhelming morning hunger dissipated. The second thing I noticed was that I had a major increase in energy, even my husband and co-workers noticed! The biggest and best thing Nic shared was her real life stories, she is incredibly brilliant, but completely down-to-earth. She shared her journey of beating breast cancer. Little did I know that just a month later, my own mother would begin her journey of #sayingbyebyetocancer. I felt empowered to do everything in my power to make myself healthier and to help my mom heal from the inside out. I took EVERYTHING she taught me and put it straight into practice with my Mom. Just 6 months later, with a healthy lifestyle and mode rn medicine, my mom is kicking cancers butt and thriving!
What I learned from Nicole could have been learned elsewhere. But the journey is so much sweeter when journeying with her. She exudes life. She breaths refreshing and she embodies freedom. Thank you Nicole for changing my life! I love you!