Febfast is coming…will you do the 28 day alcohol free experiment?
This is coming from someone who drank for over 3 decades and did NOT know how to do life without wine.
Relaxing with wine was a deeply ingrained habit. So I understand the attachment.
But the link between breast cancer and alcohol is too strong to ignore.
If you want to reduce your risk of getting breast cancer again you need to seriously consider how much you drink.

Your body views alcohol as a poison, because if you have too much you will die.

When you drink, many processes in the body stop, so the liver can concentrate solely on breaking down the alcohol and getting rid if it.
Estrogen is also broken down by the liver. When you drink the liver has to stop estrogen metabolism.
The estrogen that is dumped back into the blood stream, to be dealt with later, is the type of estrogen associated with female cancers.

Yes, alcohol consumption is linked with breast cancer the same way smoking is linked with lung cancer.

When I decided enough was enough, I took the approach of an experiment.
I told myself that I didn’t have to give up drinking forever but I wanted to see how long I could go for.
I knew the weekends would be relatively easy as I had a few Febfasts and DryJuly’s under my belt.
But the biggest hurdle came 3 weeks into my sobriety with my annual girls night. 
I made a deal with myself that the FIRST drink had to be non-alcoholic. After that I was allowed to assess the situation.
On the night I didn’t make a big deal about it. I just grabbed a wine glass and squirted a dash of sweet balsamic vinegar (this gave the mineral water a bit of flavour and was an excellent transition tactic) and topped up with mineral water.

Once the conversation started, the pull to drink alcohol faded.

In fact it was only that initial greeting and making our first drink that was difficult.
I have never looked back. 
Even on my 50th birthday 5 months later I didn’t drink.  (I know! Who gives up drinking the year they are turning 50!) 
I encourage you to have a go…do the 28 day alcohol free experiment.
If you would like to chat about getting some support to do this experiment let’s chat.

I believe this is why so many diets fail.

We commit to a 6 week challenge - pay for a coach or announce it to the world and off we go!

But then the coaching ends OR the 6 weeks are up!

When I work with clients at some point they’ll say...I almost ate XXX on the weekend, but I knew I had to tell you so I resisted.

I am acutely aware that I will not be in my clients' lives forever.

So I never pass quickly over these revelations because I want to make sure they have the tools to deal with these situations when I’m not around.

I believe this is why so many diets fail.

We commit to a 6 week challenge - pay for a coach or announce it to the world and off we go!

But then the coaching ends OR the 6 weeks are up!

When I work with clients at some point they’ll say...I almost ate XXX on the weekend, but I knew I had to tell you so I resisted.

I am acutely aware that I will not be in my clients' lives forever.

So I never pass quickly over these revelations because I want to make sure they have the tools to deal with these situations when I’m not around.