As most breast cancers are estrogen receptor positive, higher than normal blood levels of estrogen can increase the risk of breast cancer.
So where is estrogen hiding in our food?
Dairy is by far the biggest culprit. It is a hormonal liquid from pregnant cows and is thought to account for 60 – 80% of dietary estrogen consumed.
With all the delicious alternatives these days it’s easy to swap over to almond milk or any one of the other milk alternatives. I also use nutritional yeast instead of cheese. It’s like flaky Parmesan cheese and can be found everywhere from health food shops to major supermarkets like Coles & Woolworths.
Red meat, such as beef, lamb and pork, have been classified as a Group 2A carcinogen which means it probably causes cancer. It also contains endocrine disruptors that upset your hormone levels.
Just in case you didn’t know the World Health Organization has classified processed meats including ham, bacon, salami and frankfurts/sausages as a Group 1 carcinogen (known to cause cancer) which means that there’s strong evidence that processed meats cause cancer.
As a nation we eat way too much animal protein. Even if you ate a day’s worth of calories from brown rice and broccoli you would get the quality & quantity of necessary protein. Remember a serve of protein is the size of a deck of cards. So begin by eating smaller portions, then progress to only eat animal protein once a day or less.
I would also encourage you to begin exploring FIBRE rich plant based sources of protein like beans, lentils and whole grains (all animal protein including dairy has ZERO fibre).
Alcohol promotes elevated estrogen levels due to the alcohol getting preferential treatment in the liver. You can read about that here –
Extra body fat, especially around our middle, produces estrogen. You can read about that here –
And last but definitely NOT least, unbalanced blood sugar levels affect your hormones. By ditching the sugary treats and eating more complex carbohydrates like fruit, vegetables, whole grains & legumes you will keep your glucose and insulin levels down.
This may seem overwhelming if you are reading this kind of information for the first time – I know it was for me! But I encourage you to take baby steps.
For more information grab a copy of my FREE e-book ‘3 Simple Shifts to Optimise Your Health After Cancer.