After the intensity of treatment is over, it’s easy to get caught up in popular protocols that promise all sorts of cancer-fighting solutions. I know I did, all driven by fear.
When in reality, there were quite a few cancer-fighting solutions right in front of me. For starters there was the drink in my hand.
You can reduce your risk of cancer returning by 50% by not smoking, achieving a healthy weight, not drinking alcohol, increasing fibre and exercising for 3-4 hours a week.
Achieving and maintaining that healthy weight with antioxidant rich foods will optimise your health way more than a calorie restricted processed food diet. So before you go looking for a magic pill, look at what you are putting in your mouth.
What does a nutrient dense, health promoting, cancer fighting diet look like?
Vegetables – all of them!
Both the carby and the non-carby. I say this because many people only eat potatoes, carrots, peas & corn. These are all carby and totally miss the powerful cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, & cauliflower.
Fruit – all of them!
Have your 2 serves, but before you go back for a third piece make sure you’ve had your 5-6 serves of vegetables a day, especially if you are trying to get down to your ideal weight. So grab a carrot instead.
Legumes – all of them!
Beans and lentils are full of fibre and complex carbohydrates and an abundance of phytonutrients to boot. They are also a source of protein and I highly recommend that you increase (albeit slowly so your good gut bacteria can keep up so you don’t get too windy!) them and reduce animal protein.
Whole grains – all of them or just the gluten free if you don’t tolerate gluten. Rolled oats, brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat are all fabulous sources of fiber, complex carbohydrates and nutrients.
Plant based, whole food sources of healthy fat.
The same way we encourage whole fruit rather than fruit juice, do the same with fat. Enjoy avocadoes, nuts & seeds, olives rather than processed oils. Remember even if you eat the lowest fat or leanest cuts of meat or fish you are still consuming saturated fat, so reduce any additional fat where possible.
Check out the Blue Zones, the happiest, healthiest, longest living cultures ALIVE on the planet today. They eat whole foods, mainly plant based with seasonal fruit & vegetables:Â
If you would like to know more about how to feel confident that your diet and lifestyle choices are supporting your health, so you can live a long and healthy life let’s chat.Â